Managing Your Availability

At Linguabee, our sophisticated booking platform will send you regular inquiries relative to your availability and interest in various available assignments.

As you can imagine, the level of attention given to these inquiries has a direct impact on the amount of work you are able to secure through Linguabee. 

That said, we recognize that interpreter availability is an ever-fluid endeavor. As such we have provided you with a couple of tools to moderate the volume of these assignment inquiries based on your availability. 


This feature gives you the ability to put our system on notice that you are unavailable for a series of consecutive dates. This is done by selecting a start date and an end date within the Away feature. That’s it! This notifies our system that you are unavailable and the system will not send you inquiries for assignments taking place during that period. 

If you want to go totally dark (i.e. no contact during that period), simply check the “Silence all notifications” checkbox and you won’t be sent any assignment inquiries during the indicated series of dates.  

Have a period of time you are going to be unavailable? Use the Away feature.

General Weekly Availability Feature

For a little more granular control, you can use the General Weekly Availability Feature. This feature is designed to capture consistent time periods during the week you are engaged elsewhere. To notify the system that you are regularly unavailable for certain days and times during the week, simply highlight the days and times you are consistently unavailable. If indicated, the system will not send you assignment inquiries for jobs occurring during those time periods.  

Not using the Weekly Availability Feature? Put it to use.