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Booking with Linguabee
Interpreting with Linguabee
Frequently Asked Questions
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Booking with Linguabee
What type of interpreting services does Linguabee provide?
Is the service provider’s average rating score based on all assignments performed through Linguabee?
Why are Sign Language Interpreters in Limited Supply?
Why do I need two service providers for my request?
Viewing an Assignment
What form of payments does Linguabee accept?
How do I make an onsite request?
How can I request a free VRI interpreter for a COVID-19 testing site?
Why are assignment details important?
How do I make a VRI request?
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Interpreting with Linguabee
Information and Answers for Interpreters
What type of interpreting services are offered through Linguabee?
How do I contact Linguabee?
No video connection available
How do I invoice for my services?
General Weekly Availability
How will opportunities be presented to me?
Profile Pictures 101
Documentation, Credentials, and Online Profile (California)
Final Step - Kickoff Meeting
Documentation, Credentials, and Online Profile (nationwide)
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How do I contact Linguabee?
What languages does Linguabee offer?
How do I join an existing organization account?
How do I pay the service provider?
How can I add a new member to my organization account?
There are some features that are not available through Linguabee, can those be made available?
How do I report a problem with my request?